ESPN’S Media Bias Towards Dodgers

After winning the 2020 World Series one would believe that the Dodgers would get more prime air time on America’s biggest sports channel right? Nope.

As of today, December 21, 2020 the Dodgers only have two, yes two, nationally televised games. One game will feature them facing of against the Rockies on opening day and the other against our wanna be rival Padres on Sunday, April 25. Usually I wouldn’t be too upset because the thought of A’rod’s voice ringing through my television set is enough to make my ears bleed. However, many fans and I think that the defending world champions should be shown more than the 3rd place Phillies, a team that will have their games nationally televised five times through out the season.

This is not some new phenomenon either, what we are looking at is the East Coast Bias. Teams from the east will always have more attention than teams from the west coast even though some of the greatest teams in all of sports history come from cities like Los Angeles and San Fransisco. It’s a year round tradition to have the Philadelphia Phillies against the Mets on almost every Sunday Night Baseball even though both teams have struggled to be competitive in quite a while now.

Dodger fans are not asking to be on ESPN everyday like the Yankees are. All we are asking is for some respect from such a massive sports company. It makes no sense to have a team with a winning percentage of .467 to have more than double our nationally televised games. So in the nicest way possible, put some respect on the Dodgers name.


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