Draymond Green is Standing Up to the Double Standards in NBA

Now, I will be the first to admit that I haven’t been the biggest Draymond Green fan. I have even found him to be very annoying. But one nice thing I will say about Draymond, is that he is honest and will be straight up with you to your face, whether he has something nice to say or something to piss you off. He’s also a very entertaining guy, and is must see TV, just look at when he was on NBA on TNT.

But when Draymond gave his postgame press conference Monday night, he made himself likeable and a pseudo-fan. He spoke on the double standards in the NBA that exist when it comes to players openly demanding trades as opposed to when teams want to openly declare they are trading certain players.

I got to say, I agree with him. It’s complete and utter bullshit that players can’t say they want to get traded or else they’re looked like bad guys. Draymond is saying what everyone in the NBA wants to say but don’t want to get fined for calling out Adam Silver. People look at James Harden and call him unprofessional for demanding a trade and wanting out of Houston, but when a team like Detroit or Cleveland announce they are going to sit Blake Griffin or Andre Drummond, respectively, the team get looked at, as they are trying to benefit the team.

The fact of the matter is, the NBA has some of the dumbest rules to keep player “in check”. A team can treat a player like shit, but the player can’t say he wants to be traded or else he’s “tampering”. A player can’t sit out a game if he’s hurt or feeling hurt, unless he’s declared injured by the team doctor. Just look at Kawhi’s situation in San Antonio, he was saying he was hurt but the team doctor continuously insisted that he was healthy.

I’m sure Draymond will be receiving a fine, but players around the league, should pay his fine. Not because Draymond can’t afford to pay it on his own, but because he said something everyone wants to say.


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